General practice

Belair Medical is a well-equipped, accredited, medium-sized general practice situated in the foothills of Adelaide. The practice is wheelchair accessible, with dedicated handicapped parking available. Our waiting room is light and welcoming.

Belair Medical aims to provide personal high quality Primary Health Care to individuals and families in a supportive friendly and aesthetically pleasing environment.

Current areas of practice interest include preventive health, antenatal shared care, women’s health, paediatrics, dermatology, minor surgery, chronic disease, and counselling. Belair Medical is also proactive in training general practitioners for the future with both medical students and registrars undertaking placements at the clinic.


What screening should you have?

  • Women’s health check, including cervical screening
  • BP, weight checks annually from age 40
  • 45 year old health check
  • Faecal occult blood annually from age 50
  • Mammograms biennually from age 50
  • Consider prostate checks from age 50
  • Bone density from menopause, or age 70 for men
  • Skin checks annually for high risk individual

Women's Health

Belair Medical has experience and expertise in Women’s Health.

At each stage of life, women have specific health concerns. Our Women’s Health team comprising Women’s Health GPs and allied health professionals, have a holistic approach and are keen to support your physical and mental health and wellbeing through different life stages.

Adolescent Health

Belair Medical has taken steps to make sure adolescents feel comfortable seeking medical help.


  • A welcoming environment for teenagers
  • Doctors with special interest in child and youth health
  • Bulk-billing for student initiated consultations
  • Services addressing teenage concerns including sexual health, STI testing, contraceptive advice, counseling, travel immunisations, someone to talk to…..
  • Confidential care (unless safety is at risk)

Chronic disease and wellbeing management

At Belair Medical we manage chronic disease proactively. With appropriate involvement of the whole team ( including nurses and allied health care professionals) we strive to achieve the best outcomes for you.


  • GP management plans are recommended for all those with a chronic disease.
  • Regular screening and monitoring
  • Diagnostic tests as required.

Diagnostic tests

  • ECG
  • 24hr BP monitoring
  • onsite INR
  • Holter monitoring (Clinical Labs)
  • Helicobacter breath tests (Clinical Labs)
  • Doppler ultrasound

Travel Health

  • Most travel immunisations are kept onsite at Belair Medical for your convenience
  • Access to MASTA – for site specific, up-to-date travel health advice
  • Advice regarding medical kits for travel

Children's Health

We have doctors with special interest in kid’s health, including:

  • Acute illness
  • Immunisations
  • Developmental and health checks

All children under 13 are bulk-billed.

Children with acute illness will always be seen on the same day.

Men's Health

Belair Medical encourages men to become proactive in maintaining good health.


  • A basic checkup is recommended at age 40
  • A more comprehensive check-up is recommended at age 45-49 (this is supported by Medicare). A subsequent check-up is recommended every 2 years.

Healthcare for those over 75

Belair Medical has adopted a proactive approach for the older population aiming to maintain health and wellbeing, and minimize hospital admissions.

  • Scheduled health checks and screening
  • Immunisations
  • Over 75 health checks
  • Visits to aged care facilities
  • Home visits if unwell and unable to attend surgery.

Minor Surgery and procedures

  • Suturing of lacerations
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Removal of skin lesions
  • Insertion of contraceptive IUD’s

Mental Health

Doctors at Belair Medical consider mental health assessment an important part of General Practice.

Mental Health Care plans are undertaken for all those with mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression, who would benefit from counselling

We have one psychologist working from Belair Medical as part of our team.

Skin Checks

  • Cryotherapy
  • Removal of lesions
  • Medical treatment if appropriate


easy central location

Australian Clinical Labs collection Centre

Supportive and Friendly Staff

Patient Feedback Survey 2024

We appreciate your feedback from earlier in the year.